How can you be the best host family for your international homestay student? Today, we’re sharing some hosting do’s and don’ts to help your family adjust to a new family member and your student adjust to their time in Canada. 

Host families in Thunder Bay and host families in the Lower Mainland of BC welcome international students year-round into their homes. It can often be uncomfortable while everyone adjusts, but once everyone is settled, the experience is rewarding for the student and your entire family!

Keep reading for our list of top hosting do’s and don’ts while hosting an international student. 

Do’s for being a host family

DO include them in family activities.

During their stay, treat the student like a member of your family. This means including them in family chores and responsibilities and bringing them on family outings with the rest of your family. 

If you are paying for your children, you should also pay for your student. Otherwise, the student is expected to pay their own way. 

DO get to know them.

A homestay is a cultural exchange. While they come here to learn about Canada, you can also show interest in them by asking about their home and family. Ask if they can teach you about their traditions, culture, and some of their favourite recipes. 

You can also offer to celebrate their holidays or cultural traditions with them. 

DO provide them with a household and community tour.

Shortly after they arrive, give them a tour of your home. Show them where they can help themselves to snacks, how to work the stove and kitchen appliances, the WiFi password, and how to lock up the house when they leave. 

Older homestay students are expected to get around town themselves. After they arrive, give them a tour (or a map) of the community, pointing out all the relevant or interesting places they may want to visit. Show them the public transit system or call a peer-ride service like Uber. 

DO be patient.

This may be the student’s first time away from home or in a new country. Being comfortable with your family and Canadian cultures and expectations may take time. If they make a mistake, be gentle with them and help them learn how to behave or respond in the circumstances. 

DO have fun!

An international homestay should be rewarding for the entire family. Don’t forget to find time to have fun with your homestay student. Not everything needs to be English lessons and cultural tours. Find fun activities to do with your student, like game nights, movies, and community events. 

DO prepare your home for their arrival.

It’s a requirement with Harmony Homestay that you prepare your home for the student’s arrival. This means preparing a private room (with a door) for the student that includes a bed, desk, closet and drawer space, and wireless internet access. 

You may also need to get extra house keys made or add new house alarm codes for your student. 

Don’ts for being a host family

DON’T invade their privacy.

Your student deserves privacy and respect. Please don’t walk into their room unannounced or without their permission (except in an emergency). You can expect they will give you privacy in return. 

DON’T Expect Them To Become A House Cleaner.

While the student is expected to participate in family responsibilities and chores, don’t take advantage of their help. Please don’t ask them to do more than you would of yourself and your children.

DON’T forget to consider body language.

Your student may be overly eager to please you and may accept something you’ve asked when they don’t want to. They may also say they understand what you’re saying, but they don’t and are too embarrassed to tell you. 

Remember to be aware of their body language as they communicate. If their body language or tone of voice indicates that they disagree or are uncomfortable, find a new way to discuss the topic. 

DON’T assume they know how.

In some cultures, children are not expected to help around the home or do specific activities independently. Be mindful when you ask your student to do a chore or task, and not assume they know how to make their lunch, for example. Be prepared to teach your student how to be a contributing member of your family.

DON’T forget about culture shock.

Don’t make your student feel embarrassed if they express culture shock. Remember, Canadian culture may be much different than they’re used to, and it may be uncomfortable at first. Encourage your student to participate fully in your culture, but give them space if they need extra time to adjust to Canadian life. 

DO Become a homestay host in Canada

If you can follow these rules for hosting an international student, we welcome you to apply to become a host family with Harmony Homestay. We’re looking for new hosts in the Lower Mainland of BC and Thunder Bay, Ontario.  

Homestay hosts get to share their Canadian culture with students, creating unforgettable experiences for everyone! You should become a host family if you want to:

  • Expose your family to cultures and traditions from all over the world
  • Share your family’s culture and traditions with others
  • Play a part in a life-changing experience that will leave a mark on a young student’s life
  • Make new memories that will last a lifetime
  • Earn monthly financial compensation for hosting a student

Submit your host family application today for more details. 

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