Fall is a busy intake time for new international homestay students, as it coincides with the start of the new school year. 

It’s perfect timing because students who arrive in the Fall experience the stunning change of the seasons and often stay through our Canadian Winter

Companies like us start accepting applications earlier in the year from both students and host families for Fall placements. This is because it takes time to find good matches for students and host families. And some students start arriving in the late summer to get familiar with Canada and their new community before school starts the first week of September. 

Have you ever considered hosting an international student in your home? If so, keep reading to learn about the 9 benefits of becoming a host family this Fall with Harmony Homestay. 

You Learn about other cultures

Our world is much bigger than the four walls of our homes. There are exciting new places to explore and cultures to experience. Welcoming a homestay student into your home may teach you something new about the world or another culture. 

A homestay program is considered a cultural exchange: you share about Canadian life with a student, and they share their culture with you. Connecting over cultural similarities (and even differences) is a great way to bond with your student while broadening your worldview. 

We often get stuck in our daily lives and responsibilities and may take our culture and way of life for granted. When you can share your culture with another, you’re reminded of what makes your family or culture special. Think of it as reconnecting to your roots. 

You rediscover your community

When was the last time you played “tourist” in your hometown? Hosting an international student in the Fall is an excellent opportunity to explore your community. Otherwise, would you really visit the local parks as the leaves begin falling and the Fall colours begin appearing?

It can also be an excellent opportunity to see what’s new at your local museum or community centre. You can list potential “touristy” spots your student may enjoy, such as local Fall Farmers Markets, museums, parks, and shopping destinations. Together you and your student can choose which of these activities to check out.

You make new international friends

Did you know that many Harmony Homestay host families stay in touch with their students after they leave? Living with another person often creates lifelong bonds. You may discover that you have a connection with a particular student and their family.

You may get the opportunity to welcome your student’s entire family to your home someday or visit their family in their home country. The opportunities to become life-long “penpals” are priceless!

You improve your communication skills

In addition to all the fun you’ll have with your international homestay student, you’ll learn more about yourself and boost some of your skills. As you spend time with your student, who may not be fluent in English when they arrive, you’ll learn new ways to communicate, thus boosting your communication skills. 

You’ll experience what it’s like to teach someone your language and use different tools and techniques to teach and communicate. Communication skills are a core transferable skill you can use in your job and everyday life. Practicing it with your student will help you both improve this essential life skill. 

You earn money

Homestay hosts join, not for the money, but to connect and support a student who wants to experience their culture. However, as a host, you’ll earn a stipend to help cover the student’s extra food and accommodation expenses. With Harmony Homestay, our hosts are compensated up to $1,200/month per student. This amount may change if the student has any special dietary requirements. 

You make new memories

As a host this Fall, you’re not just providing accommodation for an international student; you’re helping them make new memories. Homestay hosts are active with their students and participate in making these memories for themselves, too. 

While you’re out making memories with your student, remember to commemorate the experience by taking photos and videos. Some hosts like to gift their students a printed or framed picture of a particularly memorable shared experience upon departure. 

You share Fall and Winter fun with your student

Fall in Canada is typically mild, creating great opportunities to show off Canadian culture without being too warm or cold. The Fall and Winter seasons also have great festivals and community events to explore, such as:

How to become a host family in BC and Ontario

Becoming a homestay host family for the Fall season is not only a fulfilling experience but also easier than you may think. If your family is ready to welcome an international student into your home, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be Canadian citizens
  • Pass a criminal record check (for all adults in the home) 
  • Provide the student with a private bedroom that includes a window, bed, desk, and drawers and a wireless internet connection 

In addition to the technical requirements to become a host family this Fall, you must also agree to:

  • Provide three meals per day, plus snacks
  • Only speak English around your homestay student
  • Agree not to leave the student alone overnight 
  • Provide enriching outings and experiences for the student

Do you have a spare bedroom and the desire to support the cultural enrichment of an international student? We think you’d love hosting a student in your home this Fall. 

Learn more about becoming a host and take the first step by submitting your application today.

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