As a student, participating in a Canada homestay program is a great way to experience authentic Canadian hospitality. Not only do you get to explore a new country, but you’ll also learn more about yourself.

Canada is a great place to get your education during an international Homestay program. You will live with a Canadian family while attending school and learning about Canadian life and culture. 

To help you prepare for your adventure, here are 7 things you should expect when you come to Canada: 

1 – Warm and welcoming canada Homestay hosts 

Your host family in Canada will be your guide to living and going to school in this country.  The host families through Harmony Homestay undergo a thorough screening and interview process to ensure they can provide you with a safe and nurturing environment.

These host families are eager to share their Canadian culture and traditions with students like you. They want to celebrate local holidays, introduce you to local foods, and learn more about you and your culture.

Your warm and welcoming host family will be there to guide you through this adventure!  In exchange for their hospitality, you are expected to act like a member of their family, participating in family events and even household chores. 

2 – Cultural education and experiences

Think of your Canadian Homestay as a cultural exchange. As you learn more about Canada, your homestay family will also be curious to learn about your family and cultural background.

Your Canadian family will teach you about Canadian values such as politeness, punctuality, and respect for diversity. If you have questions about these values or your expected behavior, your host family will be more than welcome to help. 

If your host family is curious about you, feel free to share as much information as you are comfortable. You can share your celebrations and observances or your favourite foods and recipes.

As with any new experience, cultural differences may arise. These are normal, and your patience and understanding will help bridge the gap. If anything feels uncomfortable, discuss it with your host family to find a solution.

To get the most value from your experience in Canada, try new things and be open to acceptance and understanding of others. You never know what you might learn. 

3 – Home responsibilities and expectations

Don’t mistake your International homestay experience for a vacation. Instead, remember that this cultural exchange includes immersing yourself in the local culture and with your homestay family.

As such, you will be asked to contribute to some light household chores, just as the other children in your household are expected to do.  You are also expected to follow any house rules provided by your host family. This may include rules around curfew, transportation, and meal times.

You may not be used to having these same responsibilities and expectations in your own family. Do your best to immerse yourself in your local family and contribute as much as you can. Your host family will greatly appreciate your help.

4- Language immersion and improvement

You likely already have a strong basis in English right now. However, living with native English speakers will give you an opportunity to practice and improve your language skills through immersion.

You may initially feel nervous, but your homestay host will be patient and supportive as you adjust. If there are any words you don’t understand, ask your Homestay hosts to explain them. If you need additional help, ask your host if they can put sticky notes on key items around your house with the written words for the objects.

As much as possible, engage in conversations with your host family, friends at school, and Neighbors. This will help you build confidence and your English vocabulary.

5 – Meals and eating

For many, one of the most exciting parts about immersing themselves in a new culture and country is tasting all the new foods. In Canada, while we have traditional Canadian food (like poutine and maple syrup), we are an internationally diverse culture. It’s not uncommon to find fusion food restaurants that combine popular Cuisines into something new.

Be open to trying new foods. If you have any dietary restrictions or food dislikes, communicate them to your homestay host company in advance. Also, discuss these with your homestay host when you arrive.

Remember, meal times with your host family are an excellent opportunity for bonding and practicing English. Use family meal times to share about your day and ask questions you may be wondering about Canada or your expectations.

(Your hosts may also be curious about your favourite foods and recipes from home. If they are interested, offer a cooking lesson or tasting menu for them to try these for themselves.)

6 – Where to get extra support for Canada Homestays

Canadians are a generally helpful and kind culture. If you have questions about basic logistics, such as using the bus or finding local shops, your homestay host family will be a helpful resource for you.

If you need additional support that your homestay host family cannot provide, reach out to a teacher at school or your homestay host company.

7 – Opportunities for exploration

Another key part of an international homestay is exploring Canada. Your host family will invite you to join them on family outings to community events, tourist attractions, and other activities. If you want to visit or experience something specific, they can also make recommendations. 

While in Canada, we also highly recommend looking for Indigenous cultural experiences. Look for opportunities to learn about local Indigenous traditions, foods, and culture through organizations like Destination Indigenous.

Seek opportunities to explore and expand your knowledge of Canada as well as meet new people. Joining local clubs or social groups also allows you to explore with others your age or with similar interests.

How to enjoy an authentically Canada Homestay experience

If living and studying in another country is on your bucket list this year, consider Harmony Homestay for your experience. Canada is a popular destination for international students due to its natural beauty and diverse culture.

Harmony Homestay is looking for students interested in staying in the Lower Mainland of BC and Thunder Bay, Ontario. We have host families ready to welcome you into their homes now.  Learn more and get started on our website. 

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